Excel for Data Analysis and Visualization
In this course you will learn a combination of tools and functions that anyone performing data analysis and visualization should be aware of.
This is more than just an Excel course, as it covers the practical uses of Excel in a business environment.
The focus of the this Excel Course is to understand all the practical tools and formulas that you need.
- Time Req – 20 hrs (to complete all lectures and exercises)
- Skill Score >3.0
- All Online Courses
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The secret to success with Excel is application. Apply what you learn as you go along. To see a more detailed breakdown on what is covered in this Excel for Data Analysis and Visualization course, view the ‘About’ section below.
Ultimate Excel Tool
Tips and Tricks
Filtering and Sorting
The Specials- GOTO and Paste
- GOTO Special- find comments, values, formulas and more
- Find errors, conditional formatting and data validation
- Copy Visible Cells Only
- Fill in all the blanks
- GoTo Special Examples
- Paste Special- Values, Formulas with/without formatting
- Paste Special- convert negatives to positives
- Switch rows to columns and columns to rows
- Paste without overwriting blank cells
- Re Use the Format Painter
Tools for text
Pivot Tables
- Required data format for Pivot tables
- Create a Pivot Table- Step by Step
- Inserting Values into a Pivot Table
- Enhancing the values e.g. percentage of another column
- Show the details of a number in the Pivot Table
- Pivot Examples: SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, Percentage of
- Laying out the Pivot Report in completely separate columns
- Working with the rows in a Pivot Table- dropdown
- Working with the rows in a Pivot Table- field settings
- Normalize Pivot Reports to use elsewhere as a copy paste
- Pivot Examples: rows in a pivot table
- Working with the Columns in a Pivot Table
- Pivot Examples: values, rows and columns
- Working with the Filter in a Pivot Table
- Automatically duplicate your Pivot Tables with different selections
- Slicers in a Pivot Table
- Control all Pivot Tables and Charts at once
- Timelines in a Pivot Table
- Grouping Dates into days, months, quarters and years in a Pivot Table
- Grouping Dates into weeks in a Pivot Table
- Grouping Text in a Pivot Table
- Grouping Numbers in a Pivot Table
- Pivot Charts in Excel
- Problems with grouping in Pivot Tables
- Pivot Examples: All features learnt so far
- Pivot Examples: Business Intelligence 1
- Pivot Examples: Business Intelligence 2
Conditional Formatting
- Change cell colour based on value
- Change color based on benchmark in another cell
- Highlight all above average cells
- Add comparative bars into cells
- Create heat maps in Excel
- Add risk robots, milestone, up and down icons to Excel cells
- Control the heat maps, icons and data bars in conditional formatting
- Conditional Format Examples
- Control the inputs in a cell based on another cell
- Data Validation Example
Function and Formula Basics
Text Functions
- Fitting text inside a cell Free Preview
- Quick entry of rows of data Free Preview
- Quick Drop Down List Free Preview
- Printing Tips Free Preview
- Get Excel to read out the text and numbers Free Preview
- Join text from many cells Free Preview
- Extract parts of the text from cells Free Preview
- Force Excel to see the value (instead of text)
- Change text to lower, UPPER or Proper case
- Remove unnecessary spaces
- Text Examples
Key Lookup Functions
Date functions and issues
- How Excel Handles Dates
- Safest way to capture a date in Excel
- Pull the day, month or year out of the date
- Create a VALID Excel date with the day, month and year
- Calculate the proper end of month
- Determine what day of the week a date is
- When is the next workday
- How many working days between dates
- What week number is a date
- Make Excel recognise a date
- Date Examples
Charting In Excel
- Excel Charting introduction
- Create a chart
- Align chart to the grid lines
- Chart doesn’t look right? First thing to try
- Customise the chart title, area, legend and more
- Vertical Axis- force the scale, reverse the order, labels and more
- Horizontal Axis- dates vs text, reverse order, show all labels
- Series- overlapping, big and small series, gaps
- Chart Examples- Look and Feel
- Add more series to the chart- 3 ways
- Show big and small numbers on the same chart (and be able to see them)
- Show months, quarters AND years on the chart axis
- Chart Examples- Series and Axis
- Bar Charts
- Pie Charts
- Area Charts
- Radar Charts (to compare projects?)
- Chart Examples- Line, column, bar, pie, radar,area
- Show mini trend charts for large reports
Avoiding Errors
- What can go wrong with a copy/ paste Free Preview
- The risks with inserting columns and rows (and how to spot them) Free Preview
- Don’t insert or delete a cell (or at least be very careful) Free Preview
- What can go wrong with hidden rows and columns Free Preview
- Errors that arise from linking spreadsheets together Free Preview
- Use Excel’s inbuilt tools and functions
- Next Steps