You may find it useful to learn some of the quick ways to get around your spreadsheet. Whether you use your mouse/ trackpad or the arrow keys, by combining them with CTRL and SHIFT you can do things faster.
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Working with a mouse/ trackpad
If you want to activate cells that are not next to each other, hold the CTRL key down while you click on the relevant cells with your mouse.

If you want to highlight a large area (without clicking the mouse and then holding it while you scroll all the way down), then rather:
- Click on the first cell (D15 below) (release the mouse)
- scroll down to the last cell you want to include (F35 below) and hover over it
- Hold the SHIFT button down
- Click on the cell you where hovering over.

Working with the arrow keys
If you use the arrow keys there are some useful helper keys.
To highlight a number of cells,
- click on the first one (D15 below)
- Hold your SHIFT key down
- Use your arrow keys to move around. Everything you move over will be highlighted.

If you want to jump to the end of a range (where the last cell with something in it is):
- Click on the first cell (D15 below)
- Hold your CTRL key down
- Click once with your right arrow

If you want to quickly highlight a range with your arrow keys you can:
- Click on the first cell (D15 below)
- Hold CTRL & SHIFT down
- The CTRL key tells Excel to jump
- The SHIFT key tells Excel to highlight everything it jumps over
- Now push your right arrow once
- Push your down arrow once.